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Molly Gibson L.Ac - Licensed acupuncture in Durango CO, Learn about how acupuncture can restore balance and promote healing through personalized treatments.
Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that has been healing people for thousands of years. Even today, millions of people worldwide continue to use acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine as their primary medicine. Western medical research shows acupuncture treatments will decrease inflammation, increase the immune response, increase circulation, and release endorphins which are hormones that help reduce pain, relieve stress and boost your feeling of well-being. Acupuncture points and their corresponding channels lie strategically on major arteries and nervous pathways in the body, which is how we modernly understand the body to communicate. There are a lot of theories on how this process works, in terms of neurotransmitters, nerve response, blood circulation. There is certainly an air of mystery and magic about acupuncture, but what is clear is that there is some hard science that can explain some of these mechanisms. They observed how acupuncture needles could promote circulation and redirect nerve impulses for effective communication in the body. The Chinese had figured out some of the body's most basic physiological processes thousands of years before even the microscope was invented. Now the magic is that even with all our modern technology, we still don't fully understand how acupuncture needles are gently coaxing the body, making a core shift from the root of the problem to restore balance and proper function in the body. When there is balance, there is health.
Not generally. There will of course occasionally be a slight prick when some needles are inserted, and a short or lingering sensation around the needle site called "Da qi." This feeling may be unfamiliar, but should not cause any significant discomfort, and is an important way for your body to communicate that it perceives the needle.
I am very sensitive to how my patients respond to my needling and am happy to adjust or remove if necessary. There is no need for stoicism if any of them may be uncomfortable.
You will enter my sunny office and sit and chat with me about your medical history and current health concerns
I will have you lay down on the treatment table where I will look at your tongue and feel your pulses.
Wear loose fitting clothes. Most of the points are generally accessible this way, but I can always drape you with a sheet if necessary.
You will lay with needles quietly for 20-40 minutes, depending on what is needed. Time will be set aside at the end for any body work that might be necessary.
And why would you want to look at my tongue and feel my pulses?
This is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosing. I'm looking at your tongue for color, coat, cracks or markings. I feel your pulses not only for the speed, but for the quality of what it feels like under my fingertips. It could feel like a guitar string sharply hitting my finger or like a round bead rolling under, it may be deep, it may be only on the surface. All of this gives me information about singularly "you," so that I am every time treating the person in front of me, not a list of symptoms.
On average, I like to see significant improvement in 6-10 consecutive treatments with the knowledge that it may take more (or less) time to fully resolve. If your condition is acute, as in has come on within days or weeks, then you may expect one or only a few treatments. In the case of extremely chronic conditions like back pain, sleep or digestive complaints that have been going on for years, this can take longer to feel like yourself again. The more consistent you are with treatment, the quicker you will see results.
We are accustomed to quick results in Western medicine. This medicine focuses on the deep healing of the whole person, not just the symptoms. This can take time, so some patience may be required.
Yes. There are many ways to approach healing within the scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine for those who are unsure about trying a needle treatment. Other techniques can be used based on the same healing principles, chosen depending on what the patient would like to have treated:
To learn more about these techniques, take a look:
It is becoming more and more common for acupuncture to be covered by insurance, even "out of network" acupuncture which is currently how I operate. You would pay me out of pocket and then submit a "superbill" (which is a document I will give you with all the neccesary codes) to your insurance company. It may seem like a lot of work, but if it covers your treatment cost, it's always worth asking and doing the leg work!
Paying with a Health Savings Account (HSA) is always an option.
I also offer a package deal as a way to lower costs and as an incentive to continue care where more than one treatment is necessary.
Not true, acupuncture is used to treat countless conditions! Acupuncture has been used as primary care for thousands of years and is one of the most enduring of traditional medical systems still practiced today.
It is used to treat all systems of the body. In TCM, the body and organs are connected in a complex system of blood, fluids, qi, yin, and yang, all working together to maintain a balance to achieve homeostasis. The needles facilitate the stimulation of the body's natural healing system for effective and efficient function and communication.
It is used to treat conditions that the Western medical system has no answers for like tinnitus, bells palsy and peripheral neuropathies. It is not, however, meant to be used in place of serious life threatening disease, but as a means of support for these conditions. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are ideally used for preventative care.
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective alternative to traditional pain management techniques. I will work with you to address the root cause of your pain and provide relief without the need for medication.
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective way to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotionally related conditions. Acupuncture treatments can help you find balance and calm in your life.
Acupuncture treatments can help speed up sports injury recovery time, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in the body. I will create a personalized treatment plan to get you back at it.
Acupuncture can help boost your immune system and prevent illness. This mechanism is innate with the insertion of these small needles at important points that stimulate and regulate your body's natural healing ability.
Acupuncture can help address digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and acid reflux, or even more complex patterns like IBS. I will work with you to identify the root cause of your digestive issues and create a personalized treatment plan to help you feel your best.
with the natural regulatory affect of acupuncture, consistent treatments can help support women's health, from menstrual issues, fertility to menopause. An individualized treatment plan will help support and regulate your hormonal balance.